Friday 30 September 2016

Process to Undeploy or Remove the Deployed Composite

Process to Undeploy or Remove the Deployed Composite

This process assumes you have installed ant-sca-bulk-deploy-v2.2 into a folder , and have already configured it to suit your local environment. See ant-sca-bulk-deploy Installation and Configuration Guide for more information.

The pre-execution process is:
  1. Start a windows (or UNIX) terminal session.

  2. Run the setWLSEnv script, which is installed as part of weblogic server, as follows:

    1. On Unix

      1. . /wlserver_10.3/server/bin/

        On Windows
      3. \wlserver_10.3\server\bin\setWLSEnv.cmd

The undeployment process is:
  1. Change the directory to

  2. Execute the undeployScaBulk ant target, by either of the following commands:

  3. ant undeployScaBulk
    ant undeployScaBulk –DserverURL= -Duser= -Dpassword=

      1. Note: the serverURL must be the URL and port of the SOA Managed Server(this must be in the form http://host:port).
  4. If prompted, input the following:

    1. [input] Please enter Weblogic server URL (this must be the URL and port of the SOA Managed Server):

    2. [input] Please enter Weblogic username:

    3. [input] Please enter Weblogic password:

    4. [input] Enter Subversion username (which is your BCC windows logon username ie: payroll number)

    5. [input] Enter svn tag (or enter key to bypass):

    1. Password for the SVN user

  1. Confirm the task for the Undeployment

  2. [echo] Processing task file: /u9000/soa_soasuite_shared/source/management/ant-sca-bulk-deploy-v2.2/bulk_task_staging//.undeploy_sca_task

    [input] Proceed? (y, n)
    1. Enter ‘y’ if this the service is intended for deployment

  3. After undeployment, review the console output and check for success messages, and/or any error messages.

    1. A Successful undeployment should print [undeployComposite]à Undeploying composite success.

  4. Enter for recursive un-deployment or press enter key to bypass recursive subversion prompt, and exit.

    1. [input] Enter svn tag (or enter key to bypass)

For recursive undeployment Enter the remaining svn tag ids mentioned TAG ID column in Section 4 COMPOSITES TO BE UNDEPLOYED table and follow the same steps from 3.5 to 6.1.

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