Wednesday 28 December 2016

Difference between Weblogic Production and Development Mode

Development mode:
  1. The default JDK for development domain is SunHOTSPOT.
  2. Admin Server uses an automatically created during startup
  3. The debugFlag which is used to start the WebLogic Workshop Debugger is enabled.
  4. You can use the demonstration digital certificates and the demonstration keystores provided by the WebLogic Server security services. With these certificates, you can design your application to work within environments secured by SSL. For more information about managing security, see "Configuring SSL" in Securing WebLogic Server at the following URL:
  5. WebLogic Server instances can automatically deploy and update applications that reside in the domain_name/autodeploy directory (where domain_name is the name of a domain).It is recommended that this method be used only in a single-server development environment.For more information, see "Auto-Deploying Applications in Development Domains" in Deploying Applications to WebLogic Server at the following URL:
  6. When you start a server, the server automatically renames (rotates) its local server log file as server-name.log.n. For the remainder of the server session, the server rotates its local log file whenever the size of the file reaches 500 kilobytes.

Production mode:

  1. The default JDK for production domain is JRockit
  2. If you use the demo certificates for SSL a warning is displayed
  3. Admin Server prompts for username and password during startup
  4. The default maximum capacity for JDBC Datasource is 25
  5. The debugFlag which is used to start the WebLogic Workshop Debugger is disabled.
  6. The auto-deployment feature is disabled, so you must use the WebLogic Server Administration Console, the WebLogic DeployerTOOL, or the WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST)
  7. A server rotates its local log file after the size of the file reaches 5000 kilobytes. When the server is configured for production mode, by default, all versions of the log files are retained. Administrators may want to customize the number 

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